Wednesday, December 15, 2010

first flakes.

So last nights run, which was supposed to be yesterday mornings run, was the epidomy of Rick's mantra - "the difficult runs are the best for mental strength." It was cold, it was a bit windy, I had a slight clothing malfunction and I didn't feel well half way through. All I kept thinking is 'this is making me stronger mentally and a stronger runner' and I think that definitely helped me get through the run - that and the fact that my destination was home. 

The highlight however of the night was that it was lightly snowing! I love the snow and can't wait until we get some real snow soon. I think it's the reason that I can get through New England winters; I cherish snow walks. 

I made the peanut butter the other night but forgot to take pictures during the process, however, I will definitely post the recipe this weekend because it was so good!

After last night's run, I'm really looking forward to cross training tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I will never forget a sign a woman was holding during my Boston Marathon - "Tough times don't last, but tough people do." SO true, and a great thing to remember on your tough training runs!
